Celebrate Advent with the Quixote Center

Download your Social Justice Advent Calendar .

Advent season is a time of great expectation in the Christian faith. During this time, we are awaiting the coming of the Messiah and reflecting on what his birth means to the world today. We believe that with Jesus’ birth comes hope, joy, love and peace. Isaiah 9:6 (The Inclusive Bible) says, “For a child is born to us, an heir is given us, upon whose shoulders dominion will rest. This One shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Strength of God, Eternal Protector, Champion of Peace.” However, Advent is also a time of self-reflection, prayer and a time for us to put our faith into action by acting in solidarity with those who are oppressed by unjust systems.

This year the Quixote Center wants to help you celebrate the season of Advent with our Social Justice Calendar. On it you will find creative ways to honor this holy season and help to build a world more justly loving. Please click the link below to download your calendar today, and please share with your friends and family.